The Boys and the Subway

July 18, 2008

Christoph Niemann’s children are subway-obsessed, and it is lovely. Click on any image to go to the original post, at The New York Times

My sons Arthur, 5, and Gustav, 3, are obsessed with the New York City subway system.

"My sons Arthur, 5, and Gustav, 3, are obsessed with the New York City subway system."


They can barely sit through an episode of “Sesame Street.” But when we go for aimless subway joy rides on the weekends, they sit like little angels, devoutly calling out the names of every station for hours.

They can barely sit through an episode of “Sesame Street.” But when we go for aimless subway joy rides on the weekends, they sit like little angels, devoutly calling out the names of every station for hours.


People often ask me for directions in the subway. Even though I know my way around rather well, I still have to defer to Arthur very often. Yet it seems people don’t trust the advice of a preschooler. They should.

People often ask me for directions in the subway. Even though I know my way around rather well, I still have to defer to Arthur very often. Yet it seems people don’t trust the advice of a preschooler. They should.

Chinese graphic design 2 — update, reiterate

July 13, 2008

As commented on the last post, I was lazy and did a poor job. Be sure to check this person at Flickr (but flickr still sucks): 

He knows his job. But I have to reiterate: he was on my contacts all along, I just forgot he was on “Chinese graphical design“. And be sure to check his contacts. You can view some of his flickr-posts examples below. Note also his very special habit of commenting his own magazine and book scans with more of them. Enjoy.




暗黒舞踏開山始祖「土方巽」、曾於MOMA舉辦個展的異類鬼才「横尾忠則」、前衛派建築家「磯崎新」、與寺山修司齊名的小劇場健將「唐十郎」、�開東洋芸術變革序幕的第一人「粟津潔」、日本現代音樂先驅「�満徹」、日本映画新浪潮推手「大島渚」、日本戰後代表写真家「東松照明」�......這一批構成上個世紀日本�O年代文化場景,被奉為「ungura」(underground之日文簡稱)的新銳旗手們,對當時日本政治和文化的內外變動,連同小劇場、實驗電影、文��創作,狂然掀起了一波反傳統,以青年為主體的次文化革命。在這一本由詩人女作家富岡多惠�進行紀錄訪談的「行為と芸術 十三人の作家」當�,匯集了以上數位對日本美�產生深刻影響的當代芸術家,定期連載於日本權威芸術雑誌「美術手帖」,嘗透過其創作�程及思潮理念,標示出一道自由活躍的時代印記。
暗黒舞踏開山始祖「土方巽」、曾於MOMA舉辦個展的異類鬼才「横尾忠則」、前衛派建築家「磯崎新」、與寺山修司齊名的小劇場健將「唐十郎」、揭開東洋芸術變革序幕的第一人「粟津潔」、日本現代音樂先驅「武満徹」、日本映画新浪潮推手「大島渚」、日本戰後代表写真家「東松照明」等……這一批構成上個世紀日本六O年代文化場景,被奉為「ungura」(underground之日文簡稱)的新銳旗手們,對當時日本政治和文化的內外變動,連同小劇場、實驗電影、文學等創作,狂然掀起了一波反傳統,以青年為主體的次文化革命。在這一本由詩人女作家富岡多惠子進行紀錄訪談的「行為と芸術 十三人の作家」當中,匯集了以上數位對日本美學產生深刻影響的當代芸術家,定期連載於日本權威芸術雑誌「美術手帖」,嘗透過其創作歷程及思潮理念,標示出一道自由活躍的時代印記。


Posted 5 months ago.
Posted 5 months ago.

Also, on the websites, I forgot this one, with very interesting links and advertising: Saltpeanuts and this one — for the more introspective visual wanderer: (it happens to be our aforementioned contact’s blog.)



Hope for a number 3. 

Kisses and hugs

Graphic Design in China

July 12, 2008

“Ping: Regarding influences, Shanghai used to be a great capital of graphic design in the 1920s and 1930s because it was such an international city. Later on, in the ‘50s, ‘60s and during the Cultural Revolution, of course, there was no commercial graphic design apart from political propaganda. I wonder how people started from scratch in the ‘70s and ‘80s… When searching on Amazon, surprisingly there was only one book about Chinese graphic design – from 1990!

Javin: Again, it’s just been ten years! The young people born in the late 1970s and 1980s, like me, had a really strong Western influence. Before, people did not have many imported design books. I talked to one designer from Shenzhen, and he told me that there is a strong community of graphic designers right now. But since they can’t read English, every time they get a magazine, they ask the translation company to translate it to Chinese to circulate it to designers they know.”



Read, and view, full article at:

Also, be sure to check:


And, if you can read this below:

go on to: or

If not, well, check it anyway, it surely is worth.

G8 Summit in Hokkaido: Photo opportunities

July 10, 2008


AS DILIGENT hosts, the Japanese made sure this year’s G8 summit, grouping the leaders of the biggest industrial economies plus Russia, saw little of the angry protest that has marred so many similar gatherings. It all happened at a remote highland resort at Toyako on Hokkaido, Japan’s northernmost island. Many foreign activists were turned away at the border, and such demonstrations as did take place were kept to distant cities where riot police outnumbered malcontents. Even the media horde and those non-government organisations (NGOs) deemed semi-respectable were interned in a holiday camp about 20 miles from the eight great leaders.

To Yasuo Fukuda, Japan’s prime minister, whose domestic standing is extremely shaky, the summit’s smooth passage was a huge relief. He even showed a flash of statesmanship. In answer to perennial criticism that the G8, a self-appointed steering group for global problems, was hardly representative of the world, he invited seven national leaders from Africa to join Japan, the United States, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Russia to discuss the continent’s development. …continued.


From The Economist online

Flickr sucks?

July 10, 2008

“Let’s face it, Flickr sucks when it comes to photo browsing. You type a keyword and hit search, Flickr by default returns results of 24 images, one after another, top down approach. If the keyword returns more than 500 results, imagine how many pages you’ll have to go through.

CompFight is a Flickr image search tool that makes searching really simple. It displays in thumbnails, leaving the photo details behind. My 1280×800 resolution displays at least 50 thumbnails at a time. Next few batches gets loaded while you scroll so you don’t have to click on the pagination. CompFight is limited to tag searching only, perhaps the only limitations I see.

Here’s few Flickr hacks we’ve previously mentioned

Posted by hongkiat in Web 2.0Web Tricks , at 04.19.08  



  1. Reub April 19th, 2008

    Dude, have you ever tried PicLens? It’s way cooler than this Flickr browser you’re talking about. It’s actually a plug-in for Firefox so it’s not a separate app, just an add-on. Whenever there’s a page that has a photo pool to it, a play button will appear on the lower left of the pic when you mouse over, sort of like the Flock’s media browser. Click on it and it’ll launch PicLens full screen and I tell you, it’s awesome! The only drawback is you can’t minimize it, it’s either full screen or closed so if you see a pic you like and you click to see it’s page, you can’t resume the browsing you’ve just done. You’ll gonna have start over the first pic. Either way, it’s awesome. Love yourblog though, keep up the good work!


  2. Syahid A. April 19th, 2008

    Good find! I am currently using the Flickr siderbar extension to solve this problem.


  3. Ryan Teuscher April 19th, 2008

    Just a heads-up. On compfight, if you select the “Tags Ony” button, it switches to “All Text”. We are working on a redesign to help out with the functionality.

    Thanks for the plug.


  4. hongkiat April 19th, 2008

    Reub: Thanks for the heads up!

    Syahid : That’s another good way :-)”

Compare the visitor statistics of websites

July 10, 2008
Google Trends for Websites is a web-based service where you can compare the visitor statistics of websites.

graph of comparing visitor statistics between social-networking websites
graph of comparing visitor statistics between social-networking websites

“The data displayed is daily unique visitors (after logging in, you can see the numbers that graphs represent) and currently, up to 5 websites can be compared.”

Koolhaas Houselife movie?

July 8, 2008

Koolhaas Houselife movie.

Emerging economies have a bigger share of the global GDP

July 7, 2008

The Economist, a british concise newspaper, has printed a graph with current values and forecasted soaring global GDP percentage of emerging economies, in relation to developed economies. At a glance:

share of global GDP percentage

Digg c. 1995

June 23, 2008

There are people yelling it is a fake. Digg it like we did in 95!

read more | digg story

People sometimes just crave dirt — Haitian Mud Pies: Video

April 12, 2008

«In Cite Soleil, people make and eat mud pies. It’s not out of hunger, but because ‘sometimes, you just crave dirt.»

The Rolling Thunder Revue

February 3, 2008

Stunning live versions, only on The Bootleg SeriesKen Regan at Pop International

January 27, 2008

 bob dylan on a great hair day   

Did you know that bob dylan used to be a painter? Did you know he met with Peter Greenaway this Christmas? Did you know that there is another film featuring his life and work that is not No Direction Home nor I’m Not There? (what a horrible movie, I’m Not There, by the way, horrible – we stopped at Pete Seeger saying “I’m going to cut the cords” but we had a terrible experience until. It’s such a silly movie. But by the love of god we missed Richard Gere. The movie has advertising plans, poor digital color, and for content all it does is shuffle Scorcese’s documentary lines all around and put some crappy versions of a 70’s song in the character that plays the early 60’s Dylan… My God, it is a BROAD mistake. How could anyone fall for that? Jesus.) try:

The Fiery Furnaces

October 22, 2007

by Yves Saint-Miché

We live in sound&vision. Albeit rather slowly when it comes to seeing a picture, downloading a song, playing it on, putting faces on the voices. Well, we go download it mainly because it has a cool face. Anyway, the Fiery Furnaces had me on their name – furnaces is so nice a word… – and their pictures, the one in NYLON magazine got my attention, they are playing with a little ball and dressed as priests of a suburban-adolescent-in-the-woods sect. So I can say I’m inclined to like them because there is a screen in front of me. I never tried listening to them without doing anything else. Maybe the recurrent repetition (sic!) of compasses could turn annoying. Right now it is very interesting and charming, like a very intelligent and mocking-prone child given sugar to. And apart from the too subjective rambling of the bitter tea (it is indeed bitter in some parts. It is their second or third or so album), I think they deserve the hype. I believe the hype. Nevers is so fucking fun song! Nevers Again too. Benton Harbor Blues gets me too. And Widow City is an album I want to buy now (have you seen the cover?) and a very good listen: I love it already.

Well, the truth is I want to marry Eleanor, that’s why I’m writing this review. She is deadly serious fun. Meanwhile, let’s listen to this one and wait for the next. And if you are fortunate enough to be out of South America, get a gig, they are SUPERB on stage (never seen them, but is the only possible outcome).

Kisses and Hugs

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All the bee have flung as you was once!

September 29, 2007

Original Japanese text
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The bluntness of the famous mistranslation is in contrast to CATS’s caustic irony in the original text. The difference is especially vivid in the line corresponding to “All your base are belong to us”. In the original line, CATS uses a form of Japanese grammar that is rude to the listeners but respectful towards the Federation army. Since the Federation army was presumably an ally of the Captain, this usage is particularly offensive but might be sarcastic. It suggests that the Federation army was treacherously co-opted into betraying the bases. [citation needed]
It also appears from the original text that CATS may be the name of an organization, not just of the particular cyborg villain appearing on the screen (as is the popular interpretation among English speakers.)

All your base are belong to us
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The phrase is a piece of subtitled dialogue from the introduction to Zero Wing.
All your base are belong to us” (often shortened to “All Your Base”, AYBABTU or simply AYB) is an Engrish phrase that sparked an Internet phenomenon in 2001 and 2002, with the spread of flash animation that ubiquitously depicted the slogan. The text is taken from the opening cut scene of the English version of the 1989 Japanese video game Zero Wing by Toaplan. Its brief but intense popularity derived in part from its poor translation into English and partly from its near-accidental adoption by a group of Internet humorists. “All Your Base” is still a well-known reference among gamers.

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September 27, 2007

Tom Cruise plans $10 million underground bunker to prepare for end of world
Tom Cruise is laying out plans to build a huge underground bunker at his Telluride, Colorado estate. It will have a state of the art air purification system and will be large enough with enough equipment and supplies for at least ten people to survive for years. That’s not crazy or anything.

Devout Scientologist Tom Cruise plans to build a $10 million bunker under his Telluride, Colorado, mansion, a source tells Star! Equipped with a high tech air-purifying system, “it’s a self-contained underground system where up to 10 people can survice for years.” Apparently, Scientologists believe that the evil deposed galatic [sic] ruler Xenu is set to attack Earth, and they’ll need a safe place to survive.

[From Star Magazine, print edition, October 1, 2007]

According to the drug-fueled ramblings of Scientology’s founder, L Ron Hubbard, there was a big attack 75 million years ago in which this Xenu guy made billions of people line up by volcanoes and terminated them with hydrogen bombs. All of our problems stem from this one incident, claim Scientologists, and our memories and psychological problems are made up of the fractured souls of the people who were killed. We would all have god-like knowledge and ability if only we could free ourselves of the trauma of that event. This is something that Scientologists are brainwashed to believe they have achieved once they surrender enough time, money, common sense and free will. Only when they reach the highest level of the cult, or Operating Thetan 3, are Scientologists told the story about the volcano genocide, but thanks to the wonder of the Internet you get it for free.

I wasn’t able to dig up much about Scientology’s teachings on the end of the world, and maybe you can help shed some light onto this matter. According to Wikipedia, Xenu is supposedly trapped in an alternate universe forever, kind of like those three villains stuck under glass and floating in space in the Superman movie. He could come back though, and only the super rich deluded folks like Cruise and Travolta will be prepared.

Concern for the survival of one’s family in the event of a nuclear attack or massive world war is only natural, and maybe if I had a quarter of a billion dollars I would consider setting up a giant underground bunker too. I really doubt it though. The only preparations I made on December 31, 1999 were getting an outfit and having my nails done for a New Year’s party. Stockpiling water and supplies for the millennium just wasn’t high on my to-do list.

Maybe if Cruise could pop some lithium every day he wouldn’t be so worried about the end of the world. Along with providing ease of mind and more stable moods, it would be a hell of a lot cheaper, too. L Ron Hubbard must have realized that prescription medication would help his most devoted followers figure out what bullshit he was preaching, so he decided to make psychiatrists enemy number one. The guy was crazy like a fox.

In other Tom Cruise news, he has been given permission by the German government to film scenes for his Nazi hero movie Valkyrie at the Bendlerblock building, a World War II historic site. The German government was initially reluctant to grant permission to film there due to concern for the preservation of the site. A minute of silence was observed at the location this weekend before filming began.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are shown leaving an Italian restaurant in Berlin on Thursday. Thanks to WENN for these pictures. All details about Scientology from Operation Clambake and Wikipedia.

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